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JFF President Horace Burrell falls ill

Captain Horace Burrell,Jamaica Football Federation,Copa Centenario,

Photo: Captain Horace Burrell, President of the Jamaica Football Federation 






Captain Horace Burrell, President of the Jamaica Football Federation (JFF), fell ill just days ahead of the start of the Copa Centenario, while on official business in the United States of America, where the tournament will be played.

Jamaica has been invited to play in the tournament as the Copa America celebrates 100 years. Burrell is currently hospitalized while he undergoes a series of tests to determine the cause of his illness.

The JFF released an official statement on the matter. Below is the full text:


The Jamaica Football Federation (JFF) wishes to advise the football fraternity and the general public that Captain Horace Burrell, President of the JFF, has taken ill in the United States over the past weekend. As a result, Captain Burrell is currently undergoing a series of medical tests.

Captain Burrell has requested privacy, patience and understanding during this time. Further, he wishes to thank all his colleagues for the unqualified support and well wishes. He is confident he will return in short order to continue his service to the football fraternity.

In the meantime, the Vice – Presidents of the JFF along with the General Secretariat will continue to oversee the day to day governance and administration of the sport.

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