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ABC confident this season

The ABC Hall is the smallest hall at the UWI Mona campus and so they will be participating as a hall in the Sagicor UWI Guild Champions League unlike the rest of their opponents who will be representing blocks or clusters from the various halls of residence.

The ABC Hall is the smallest hall at the UWI Mona campus and so they will be participating as a hall in the Sagicor UWI Guild Champions League unlike the rest of their opponents who will be representing blocks or clusters from the various halls of residence.


Despite their size and lack of history they do not expect to be pushed around by their more seasoned and experienced opponents.


“ABC COBRAS have a solid, confident and well organized team that is ready to take on the challenge in this competition for the third year.”


Photo: Romar Rose, Andrè Buckley, Brian Morgan, Trevaughn Neysmith and Jevon Samuels


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