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Ozil staying put at Real Madrid

There has been a lot of speculation about the future of Real Madrid’s German playmaker Mesut Ozil due to the imminent arrival of Gareth Bale from Tottenham Hotspur. It had been reported that the 24 year old wants to leave the Santiago Bernabeau but Ozil himself has stated that he will be staying in Madrid.

There has been a lot of speculation about the future of Real Madrid’s German playmaker Mesut Ozil due to the imminent arrival of Gareth Bale from Tottenham Hotspur. It had been reported that the 24 year old wants to leave the Santiago Bernabeau but Ozil himself has stated that he will be staying in Madrid.


Many reports had surfaced that Ozil was open to an exit from Madrid and that his likely destination was Old Trafford to wear the Red of Manchester United. Speculation got even more intense when the 24 year old walked straight down the tunnel after being substituted on Monday night against Malaga.

However Ozil said he is happy at Madrid and is not looking to leave. He was quoted on ESPN: ‘I feel really good at Madrid. I have a contract until 2016. I feel really good here and I get on really well with my team-mates. I want success here. There has been a lot written in the media, talk of some other options, but I have a contract and I am staying with Real Madrid.’

He continued: ‘I feel very good, I have the confidence of the coach. There is a series of objectives that we want to achieve, in which each one will have a role to play. That is one of the reasons why I want to stay. We are very happy, we have won our two games, we have taken six points. It is true that we need to play better, but there is a long way to go.’

The 24 year old German seems to have put all the speculation to bed with his desire to stay at the Bernabeau. Madrid will be looking to wrestle the La Liga title from Barcelona and there is no doubt that Ozil can play a big role in that endeavor. 

Writer: Yashiema Love

Photo: Mesut Ozil (Getty Images)


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