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Busy March for Reggae Boyz

Jamaica’s Senior Men’s Team (the Reggae Boyz) will play three additional matches in the coming months as negotiations between JFF President, Captain Horace Burrell, has led to the securing of the following matches:

Jamaica’s Senior Men’s Team (the Reggae Boyz) will play three additional matches in the coming months as negotiations between JFF President, Captain Horace Burrell, has led to the securing of the following matches:


 Barbados vs Jamaica – March 2

•Grenada vs Jamaica – March 5

•Switzerland vs Jamaica – May 30


These games are in addition to the already announced fixture, France vs Jamaica on June 8th.


Securing of these games is in keeping with the announced plans of the Federation to have the team engaged consistently over the coming months and years.


Captain Burrell in confirming these games indicated that they also allow Coach Schafer the opportunity to see players in different conditions. Importantly, away games allow for a better test of the endurance of the players. The Senior team will be participating in the 2014 Caribbean Cup, a qualifier for 2015 Gold Cup.


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