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Panel selection completed in doping case against Simpson and Powell

The selection of the panels to hear the doping cases against track and field athletes Sherone Simpson, Asafa Powell, Allison Randall, Demar Robinson and Travis Smikle was completed this morning at the Jamaica Conference Centre in downtown Kingston.

The selection of the panels to hear the doping cases against track and field athletes Sherone Simpson, Asafa Powell, Allison Randall, Demar Robinson and Travis Smikle was completed this morning at the Jamaica Conference Centre in downtown Kingston.


The panel selection is the first part of the process in the case brought against the five athletes, all of whom returned adverse analytical finding earlier this year. They have all protested their innocence and will be hard pressed to prove that the ingestion of banned substances were accidental.

Simpson and Powell will face the same panel consisting of, Lennox Gayle, Jafeth Forde and Peter Prendegast. Both athletes are being represented by Milton Samuda, Danielle Chai and Kwame Gordon who is lead councel.

Demar Robinson will face a panel comprised of Archie McDonald, Ken Pantry, Jeremy Taylor and Peter Prendegast.

Travis Smikle will face Ken Pantry, Jeremy Taylor, Archie McDonald and Iva Cranton.

Allison Randal will face Juliet Cuthbert, Jeremy Taylor, Archie McDonald and Ken Pantry.

Randall, Robinson and Smilke are being represented by Lloyd Barnett, William Panton and Sabrina Cross. They will return on the 20th of September while Simpson and Powell will return on the 27th of September.


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