
Irvine and Chancellor do battle for male Intramural Football Title

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Defending champions Irvine Hall do battle against Chancellor Hall in the Intramural football finals on Friday February 21st at 7:00pm in what is expected to be a classic encounter.

Defending champions Irvine Hall do battle against Chancellor Hall in the Intramural football finals on Friday February 21st at 7:00pm in what is expected to be a classic encounter.


Chancellor had to battle hard to get past the over-achieving Towers who took the scalps of Taylor Hall and Preston Hall on the way to the semifinals.


Chancellor’s 1-0 win came courtesy of a first half own goal in a tight contest and they will need to be much better against the defending champions on Friday.


Irvine Hall got the better of Taylor Hall 2-0 on Sunday to earn their spot in the final and will no doubt believe they can go all the way again this year.


The UWI Bowl is expected to be packed to capacity for the start of this game which will be preceded by the girls’ final at 5:00pm.


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