
Mix Strykers “B” capture Junior Division Gold in WNA Roger Clarke Westmoreland Netball League 2013

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Mix Strykers “B” captured the gold medal in the Junior Division of the Westmoreland Netball Association Roger Clarke Netball League 2013 by beating Manning’s 27-24 in the final on Saturday, February 8, 2014 at Manning’s School.

Mix Strykers “B” captured the gold medal in the Junior Division of the Westmoreland Netball Association Roger Clarke Netball League 2013 by beating Manning’s 27-24 in the final on Saturday, February 8, 2014 at Manning’s School.


 Goal Shooter Kasheema Clarke’s game high 18goals from 22 attempts and Goal Attack Amoy Campbell’s 9 from 11 fought off the challenge of Manning’s who scored through Dayon Young 8 from 17 and Thris-Ann Miller 16 from 22, both of whom interchanged the shooting positions for Manning’s.


That was the third match of the quadruple-header, with the Senior Division Finals between Defending Champions Westlanders and Savannah set to begin in a few minutes from now.


Each team stand to receive an MVP Award, while medals and trophies are in store for the top three in each Division, plus Most Defensive and Most Attacking Team Awards for each Division

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