
Portugal hold the advantage over Sweden

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Portugal will take a slender lead into the return leg of the World Cup playoff game against Sweden in Solna as the two teams battle for one space in the global spectacle, the FIFA Football World Cup.

Portugal will take a slender lead into the return leg of the World Cup playoff game against Sweden in Solna as the two teams battle for one space in the global spectacle, the FIFA Football World Cup.


It was built as the showdown between Cristiano and Zlatan, mostly by Ronaldo himself, who tweeted that sentiment after the tie was announced. However, the first leg tie was more Cristiano v Sweden as Zlatan faded into oblivion when his team needed him most.


While the Swede had a bit part role in Lisbon, the Portuguese star enhanced his claim for the FIFA Ballen D’Or when his persistence paid off through a 82nd minute diving header that handed  Portugal a 1-0 advantage to take back to Sweden.


Now only 90 minutes stands between Ronaldo and another World Cup appearance but for this situation to be reversed, the other superstar in this drama has to show up.


Playing at home, Ibrahimovic must deliver for his adoring public, just as Ronaldo did five days ago for his. The challenge facing Ibra and Sweden is getting two goals while keeping Portugal off the score sheet. Their failure to get an away goal means that should Portugal score then Sweden will need three.


Erik Hamren, coach of Sweden, is trying to keep a cool head ahead of tonight’s encounter, “I would like us to score an early goal, or preferably two. But we won’t get stressed if we don’t deliver in the first half.


“I expect a really tough game because they are a good team. We need to be better in our offence than we were in the second half in Lisbon,” he said.


Portugal coach Paulo Bento is very clear in his mind about what to expect in this encounter, “We’ll have to be tactically and mentally prepared because we will face 90 minutes of suffering to reach our objective.”


Real Madrid star, Ronaldo has promised to be focused: “Portugal have a very small advantage and we are expecting a very difficult game. But we are ready. We will have to be fully focused.”


Sweden are desperate to qualify for Brazil having missed out on the last World Cup in South Africa.


Photo: Ronaldo (Getty Images)


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