
$750,000 for charity from Alliance Buccaneers Golf Tournament

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The Alliance Buccaneer Memorial Golf Tournament held its award function Monday November 11 at the Constant Spring Golf Club in Kingston.  The organizers presented a cheque in the amount of $750,000 to Sister Benedict of the Laws Street Trade Training Centre located in down town Kingston.

The Alliance Buccaneer Memorial Golf Tournament held its award function Monday November 11 at the Constant Spring Golf Club in Kingston.  The organizers presented a cheque in the amount of $750,000 to Sister Benedict of the Laws Street Trade Training Centre located in down town Kingston.


 Sister was very appreciated of the sponsorship though it was less than last year’s amount of $800,000.  She said however the amount will go a far way in allowing the centre to do its annual Christmas treat for the poor and indigent.  They normally give care and food packages and will doing so this year again .  she also said that the funds will help to cover the cost of running the trade centre that provides training in sewing and dress making, computing and baking for women and men from the surrounding community of downtown Kingston.


Peter Chin, the captain of the Buccaneers and president of Alliance Investment Management said the reduced amount is as a direct result of the economic times which saw lower sponsorship of the tournament this year.  He was however still happy be able to present the cheque to the charity on behalf of the Buccaneers.


The tournament was held at the Caymanas Golf Club in St. Catherine.  There were one hundred and thirty competitors this year.


Sean Morris won the tournament after ending on a combined two-day score of 149.  Mark Newnhan and John O’Donoughue were second and third respectively.


The other tournament winners were Rory Jardine, Tommy Lee and JGA president Wayne Chai Chong who were first, second and third respectively the Men Senior section. 


The Men Super Senior section went to Patrick Gordon while Dudley Wilson and Guyan Arscott took the minor places.


Jodi Munn Barrow won the Ladies section ahead of Maggie Lyn and Michelle Gabay.


Fabian Campbell won the pro section ahead of last year’s winner Wesley Brown.  He shot one under par 71 on Saturday and even par 72 on the final day for a combined 143 score.   The pros shared the $130,000 purse.


Photo: Peter Chin of Alliance Investments presents the cheque to Sister Benedict


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